How to use Traceability System

Traceability Number

How to use Traceability System

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    For Main website for Livestock Traceability System

    - Access to( Livestock Traceability System

    축산물 이력제 시스템 메인 홈페이지
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    Screen to see details with traceability numbers

    - In case of exclusive livestock registered in Traceability system Traceability numbers with 12-digit or Lot number after putting the number,
    click the ‘Search’ button

    축산물 이력번호 조회 하면
  • 03

    Results of Beef Traceability number or a unique 12-digit lot number

    - You can see the details of beef you bought

    쇠고기 이력번호 및 묶음번호 조회 결과

    - If sellers made a package with all different beef, all the traceability numbers for each beef will be shown
       otherwise it includes Lot numbers with [Details of Lot Number]

    쇠고기 이력번호 및 묶음번호 조회 결과2
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    Results of Pork Traceability number or a unique 12-digit lot number

    - You can see the details of pork you bought

    돼지고기 이력번호 및 묶음번호 조회결과

    - If sellers made a package with all different pork, all the traceability numbers for each pork will be shown
      otherwise it includes Lot numbers with [Details of Lot Number]

    돼지고기 이력번호 및 묶음번호 조회결과2
  • 01

    How to see using Smartphone

    - When you put the traceability numbers, details of origin, grade, livestock kinds, date of birth, region for breeding will be shown

      For Android : Go to Market 화살표 오른쪽 Search 화살표 오른쪽 “Traceability System” 화살표 오른쪽 Download app

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    Screen for traceability

    - For Beef Traceability

    모바일 쇠고기 이력번호 조회 하면

    - For Pork Traceability

    모바일 돼지고기 이력번호 조회 하면